Together, Help Keep Pittsburgh Home

Fighting for Our Homes!
Our city is on the cusp of fundamental change, and in a unique moment to proactively address affordable housing. Pittsburgh United is fighting to move the region away from policies that segregate low-income residents into second class neighborhoods and towards affordable, equitable, and sustainable housing. In 2016, Pittsburgh United and its partners won the Housing Opportunity Fund, allocating $10 million for affordable housing for the next twelve years.

Fighting for Our Jobs!
Through both a Worker Organizing Table and a progressive policy agenda, Pittsburgh United is campaigning for higher wages and better working conditions for working class people in our city. From new union contracts to paid sick days, Pittsburgh United’s coalition has won – by the most conservative estimates – more than $59 million in wages, benefits, and community investment.

Fighting for Our Water!
The Our Water, Our Rivers campaign fights for safe, affordable, and publicly controlled drinking water along with green solutions to our region’s stormwater problems that will make Pittsburgh more resilient to climate change. This year the Campaign successfully fought back against efforts to privatize Pittsburgh’s water and won a $50 million settlement with PWSA. This campaign also engages ratepayers in the public debate over how billions of public funds will be spent to overhaul our regional water and sewer infrastructure.
Fighting for our homes, our jobs, and our water. Fighting for a Livable PGH for all.
Pittsburgh United is a coalition of community, labor, faith, and environmental organizations committed to advancing the vision of a community and economy that work for all people.

Why PGH United?
The ‘New Pittsburgh’ enjoys national acclaim. Hardly a week goes by without another news outlet lauding the economic renaissance of our former steel town, or a profile of the city’s livability through the lens of the latest hot neighborhood. But as this resurgence occurs, not everyone is benefitting, with nearly 50% of the 18,000 jobs created in Pittsburgh last year paying less than $14 an hour. Revitalization is benefitting some, but the fabric of low income neighborhoods and communities of color are being torn apart. Pittsburgh is at a critical moment. We have an opportunity to be a national leader, not just in terms of economic revival, but equitable development that puts people over profit. To be truly livable, the revitalization of Pittsburgh must include lifting up every neighborhood in the city.